Easy Fudge Recipe Shown in Commericals on Cooking Channel

Once you find a basic fudge recipe you like, it's easy to mix in your favorite goodies like nuts, marshmallows or toffee bits.

This week's No Budget Cooking Series entry was prompted by reader Mary Lou Rice, who requested: "Can your food writers do an article about fudge? How to make it and recipes, including easy cooking for dummies recipes. You could open it up to your readers like the Christmas cookies section."

Mary Lou, I must confess that I've never made fudge. Fortunately, when I asked readers for easy fudge recipes, I got more recipes than I could make in one holiday season without inducing a three-month-long sugar rush. With the help of fellow reporter Melissa Siegler, we selected and made four recipes.

So, everyone is getting a four-fer this week, plus what this fudge-making newbie learned in the process.

My biggest takeaway is that making fudge isn't as easy as pie. It's easier.

Plus it's a heck of lot quicker to make than cutout cookies (work that I outsource each holiday season). You can make a pretty good batch of fudge in about 20 minutes — even if you count the time it takes to put the can opener, bowl, spatula or wooden spoon and measuring equipment in the dishwasher.

At its simplest, you only need a microwave oven and three ingredients to make fudge.

I received six recipes of this sort. The amount of chocolate chip varied slightly in just two of those recipes, and only one didn't include vanilla extract.

The simplest recipe ingredients:

  • 3 cups chocolate chips
  • 14-ounce can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

It was a pretty even split when it came to which chips to use: semi-sweet or milk chocolate. One recipe called for 12 ounces semi-sweet and 6 ounces milk. There's nothing stopping you from mixing it up more by using white chocolate, peanut butter, butterscotch or other flavored chips totaling 3 cups.

The majority of fudge recipes sent to me call for combination of evaporated milk and sugar to give fudge its creamy texture. With a can of sweetened condensed milk and an opener you can accomplish the same thing minus the constant stirring of sugar and evaporated milk.

Instructions for all the fudge recipes included three basic methods for melting the chocolate chips:

  • Microwave
  • Heavy saucepan
  • Double boiler

Microwave: Combine chocolate chips and sweetened condensed milk in microwave-safe bowl. Microwave for 1 to 2 minutes, then stir. If the chips aren't completely melted, microwave an additional 15 seconds. Repeat the 15-second increments until completely melted.

Heavy saucepan: Directions vary for this method. Some suggest melting the chocolate chips before adding the sweetened condensed milk while others say to heat both at the same time until the chips are melted. Some say to melt over low heat and others over medium. They all agree that you need to constantly be stirring.

Double boiler: If you have a double boiler, you're a more serious home cook than me and probably haven't learned anything from this column. I hope it's been entertaining. For the rest of us, we can fake it by placing a heatproof mixing bowl over a pan of simmering water. Just make sure the bottom of the bowl isn't touching the water in the pan.

When chocolate chips are melted and combined with sweetened condensed milk, stir in vanilla extract and extras like nuts.

Chopped nuts were the most common mix-in option. Of the recipes sent to me, most suggested ½ to 1 cup of nuts.

With everything well combined, pour mixture into an 8-by-8-inch or 9-by-9 pan. Don't sweat the pan size difference. Nobody's going to turn down a piece of fudge solely based on height. (But if someone criticizes your fudge height, it might be time to ask yourself if that person brings you joy.)

It's far more important that your first step is preparing your pan before you start making the fudge. You don't want it to cool in your bowl or pot while lining your pan.

The most common ways to line pans from reader submissions:

  • Butter
  • Aluminum foil
  • Parchment paper
  • Wax paper

Butter: Because there aren't enough calories in fudge already, let's add one last hit of butter as the fudge cools. The easiest way I've found to grease a pan with butter (or shortening) is to use paper towel. Drop a pat of butter in the pan and swoosh it around with a crumpled-up end of paper towel. Start with less butter than you think you need, because it's easier to add more than remove excess.

Aluminum foil: Easily molds to the shape of the pan and holds its shape while fudge-making magic happens.

Parchment paper: I like parchment paper for baking cookies but find it difficult to work with in pans. I needed to lightly butter the pan first for the paper to hold its shape around the edges.

Wax paper: A little easier to fit into the shape of the pan than parchment paper but not as easy as foil. I didn't fill a pan lined with wax paper, just tried putting it in place.

I buttered the foil for one batch and sprayed the parchment paper for another. The third batch, I just buttered the pan. The advantage of foil or paper is that you can lift the fudge out of the pan for cutting. I didn't have difficulty freeing any of the three batches of fudge I made, regardless of the lining method.

Instructions varied for cooling and storing the fudge. There's a fairly even split between chilling in the fridge and cooling at room temperature. One recipe suggested cooling for an hour at room temperature, then an hour in the refrigerator.

For the fridge crowd, allow at least 2 hours for chilling. Cooling times at room temperature were not given. Regardless of the cooling method, wait until the fudge is firm before cutting.

All agreed that you should store fudge in an airtight container, though there is a split about whether you need to store it in the fridge.

Online articles on the subject, including one earlier this year from Taste of Home, conclude it's a half of one and six dozen of the other when it comes to storing. Fudge lasts up to two weeks at room temperature, three weeks in the fridge and up to three months if frozen. The key to all storing is layering fudge between pieces of wax paper in an airtight container. Air exposure dries out fudge.

Mary Lou, I hope you found my long-winded response to your simple request useful. If not useful, at least mildly entertaining. That is, after all, the goal of this series.

What follows are four reader-submitted recipes with abbreviated No Budget Cooking Series notes for each.

Chocolate Amaretto Fudge

Chocolate Amaretto Fudge is quick and easy to make. And the smell of the amaretto liqueur mixed with the melted chocolate is heavenly.

3 cups chocolate chips

14 ounces sweetened condensed milk

2 tablespoons amaretto liqueur

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Slivered almonds (optional)

Line an 8-by-8-inch square pan with aluminum foil.

In saucepan, melt chocolate chips over medium heat while stirring constantly. Before they completely melt, stir in condensed milk. Continue stirring until chocolate chips are melted and condensed milk is fully incorporated.

Remove from heat. Stir in vanilla extract and amaretto liqueur.

Pour mixture into prepared pan.

Slivered almonds can be pressed into the top of the fudge.

Refrigerate at least 4 hours or overnight.

Lift fudge from pan using the aluminum foil. Let sit 10 to 15 minutes at room temperature. Cut into pieces for serving.

Store leftovers in airtight container in refrigerator.

Submitted by Gayle Fritsch, tested by Melissa Siegler

TASTING NOTES: The smell of the amaretto liqueur mixed with the melted chocolate is heavenly. The fudge was the perfect blend of creamy and rich, making it a great after-dinner treat. It was a hit with my family, and I will definitely be making it again.

YOU SHOULD KNOW: This amaretto fudge recipe was quick and easy to make, taking about 20 minutes.

It was ready to enjoy after about four hours in the fridge.

I sprinkled the top with a handful of slivered almonds, as the recipe suggests, and it added a tasty and decorative touch.

Gayle wrote that this is her "go-to" fudge because it is super easy to prep. The original recipe, found on a Pinterest board, calls for milk chocolate chips, but Gayle likes the semi-sweet because it brings out the amaretto flavor.

"I stay away from any fudge that calls for granulated sugar," she wrote in her email submission. "Fudges that use sweetened condensed milk tend to be creamier and smooth."

Christmas Fudge

6 ounces evaporated milk

2 cups sugar

16 large marshmallows, cut into quarters

1½ cups chocolate chips (milk or semi-sweet)

1 tablespoon of butter

1 teaspoon of vanilla

½ cup of chopped nuts (optional)

Line a greased 9-by-9-inch pan with parchment paper. Set aside.

In a heavy saucepan, mix evaporated milk and sugar over medium heat while stirring for 5 minutes.

Remove from heat, add marshmallows and chocolate chips. Stir until chocolate and marshmallows are melted. Stir in butter and vanilla and nuts (if desired) until fully incorporated.

Pour into prepared pan.

Cool until completely set before cutting.

Store in a covered container.

Submitted by Patricia Mueller for Audrey Mueller, tested by Daniel Higgins

TASTING NOTES: This fudge has a wonderful creamy texture (we won't tell Gayle) with rich, sweet chocolate flavor punctuated by nut crunch.

YOU SHOULD KNOW: Yes, the name of the recipe caught my eye because it's aptly named for the season, but I was hooked by the note included by Patricia.

"My 90-year-old mother-in-law, Audrey Mueller, asked me to submit her fudge recipe. She has been making this fudge for over 60 years. It was always my husband's (her son's) favorite Christmas gift."

Verlyn Mueller always looked forward to the Christmas fudge made by his mother, Audrey Mueller. It never lasted long enough in our household to test just how long it would keep, wrote Patricia Mueller who submitted the recipe on Audrey's behalf.

Patricia wrote that it can be "souped up" as her husband, Verlyn, would say. Peanut butter lovers can add a scoop, and rocky road fans can add more miniature marshmallows. If you don't like nuts, omit them.

"If you prefer milk chocolate with slivered almonds, go for it, just make sure you use real chocolate chips, no flavored fake chips for this recipe. The better the chocolate chips, the better the end result."

Stirring the evaporated milk and sugar over medium heat for 5 minutes, according to Audrey, "is the secret to perfect fudge and the most important step." So you'd better believe that I set a timer while stirring. I don't want Audrey dictating an admonishing email to Patricia to be sent to me.

Cutting large marshmallows into quarters is sticky business. Speaking from experience, scissors were slightly less sticky than using a knife for the task. Patricia said she dips the knife or scissors in hot water to cut down the stickiness.

Dairy State Fudge

8 ounces cream cheese, softened

2 tablespoons butter, softened

2 pounds white chocolate chips

1½ cups whole pecans

Line a 9-by-9-inch square pan with foil and butter the foil; set aside.

In a mixing bowl, beat cream cheese until fluffy. Set aside.

In top of a double boiler, melt butter. Add white chocolate chips, heat and stir until melted and smooth.

Pour over cream cheese. Beat until smooth and glossy, about 7 to 10 minutes.

Stir in nuts.

Pour into prepared pan. Cool.

Remove from pan when cool and cut into 1-inch squares.

Store in the refrigerator.

Submitted by Terri Konkol, tested by Daniel Higgins

TASTING NOTES: Creamy white chocolate and pecan flavors. Simple but rich and sweet. Those who like an explosion of flavors may find this a bit too subtle.

YOU SHOULD KNOW: I used Ghirardelli at Terri's suggestion.

I only have 8-by-8-inch pans, so that's what I used.

There was more scooping than pouring, since the mixture is quite thick. I'm not complaining, just letting you know so you don't worry if you can't pour this fudge.

This fudge pushed my hand mixer's motor to the limit. I would use my stand mixer next time.

Pecan Crunch Fudge

3 cups brown sugar

½ cup butter

1 cup evaporated milk

12 ounces butterscotch morsels

7 ounces marshmallow creme

2 cups roasted pecans, chopped

6 ounces almond brickle chips

1 teaspoon vanilla

Butter two 8-by-8-inch pans. Set aside.

In 3-quart saucepan, combine brown sugar, butter and evaporated milk. Cook over medium heat until mixture reaches 235 degrees, stirring constantly. Remove from heat.

Stir in butterscotch morsels and marshmallow creme. Beat vigorously with a wooden spoon until smooth and mixture just begins to cool.

Stir in pecans, almond brickle chips and vanilla.

Spread evenly into pans.

Cool completely. Cut into squares.

Gently press 1 pecan half on each square of fudge, if desired.

Store in airtight container.

Submitted by Bernice V. Janowski, tested by Daniel Higgins

TASTING NOTES: This is addictive enough for me that it nearly qualifies as a controlled substance. About two seconds after the butterscotch-toffee-pecan flavor melts away, I'm craving a repeat experience.

YOU SHOULD KNOW: I didn't roast the pecans.

I couldn't find anything labeled "almond brickle chips" so I used a bag of Heath English toffee bits. I used the entire 8-ounce bag because I dislike having little bits of leftovers. OK, maybe my love of toffee bits might have been a factor. I do not regret using the whole bag.

I used a 9-by-13-inch pan because my two 8-by-8-inch pans were already filled with other batches of fudge.

You will need a thermometer to know when the sugar mixture is ready. That and an arm strong enough for several minutes of stirring.

Melissa Siegler contributed to this story.

SEND YOUR SUGGESTIONS: Got a recipe you'd like to get the No Budget Cooking Series treatment? What about a Wisconsin-based food producer or manufacturer? Email your suggestions to dphiggin@gannett.com.

THE NO BUDGET COOKING SERIES:I test recipes in my very average kitchen with my moderately above average cooking talent and meh presentation skills. I'll provide some insights and basic cooking tips. If you don't find these stories useful, hopefully you find them entertaining. Please send your questions, feedback and recipes you'd like reviewed.

Contact Daniel Higgins dphiggin@gannett.com. Follow @HigginsEats on Twitter and Instagram and like on Facebook.


Source: https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/life/food/2021/12/07/these-4-fudge-recipes-wisconsin-home-cooks-simple-delicious/6300408001/

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